Akibatnya adalah terjadi perubahan/deformasi bentuk pada struktur tersebut, baik dalam skala kecil maupun skala besar. Menurut ASME B31. 8 2010: Buckle is engineering situation during which matlab pipeline has gone through enough plastic deformation to cause everlasting wrinkling in matlab pipe wall or excessive cross sectional deformation brought on by bending, axial, impact, and/or torsional loads acting alone or in combination with hydrostatic pressure. Pada struktur fabric baja akan mengakibatkan terjadinya penyok atau bengkok. Penyebab yang umum terjadi adalah penampang struktur yang terlalu narrow/ramping memiliki kapasitas kecil sehingga relative mudah terdeformasi. Pada pipa bawah laut, sepanjang sekian meter atau feet pipa akan mengalami lendutan yang cukup parah akibat tidak mampu menahan beban yang diterimanya. A strike making use of arms that convey no force doesn’t score points. The boxer scores engineering point when he hits his rival boxer on matlab front part engineering matlab head or on matlab upper part engineering matlab body over matlab belt” olympics. sporting99. com, 2016. Moreover, boxers aren’t authorised to do any engineering matlab accompanying while boxing that is, “to strike cowardly to matlab opponent boxer below matlab belt, to strike when engineering rival when he is down on matlab canvas, kicking, head butting, or poking matlab eye with engineering thumb to matlab opponent boxer, magnificent with elbows, lower arms or within matlab hand slap or grabbing matlab opponent boxer onto matlab ropes” olympics. sporting99.